Past Activities

DAREnet – DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network (H2020 project)

The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innovation related collaboration (=RDI). DAREnet builds a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, operating in a network of civil protection organisations, and supported by a broad range of stakeholders from policy, industry and research. Together they build a trans-national and interdisciplinary ecosystem to foster synergies, innovation and its uptake.

Official project webpage:

CBRN CoE PROJECT P61 – Sound management of chemicals and their associated wastes in South-East Asia (SEACHEM)

The overall objective of the project is to achieve enhanced chemical safety and security in the region, taking the country-specific baseline situation into account. The purpose of this regional project is to address outstanding chemical safety and security issues in areas of legislation/regulation, prevention, detection, preparedness and response. The project is going to address not only the sound management of chemicals and their wastes, but also take emerging chemical issues as well as whole CBRN threats into account. Target countries are: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Press release:

Press release:

CBRN CoE PROJECT P67 – Strengthening CBRN Waste Management Capabilities in South-East and Eastern European Countries

This project has been constructed to address the handling and disposal of hazardous CBRN waste materials and remediation of contaminated locations across the South East and Eastern Europe (SEEE) countries including Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine. Azerbaijan might join at a later stage.

The project will be implemented over a 3-year period, during which the safety, security and environmentally sound handling and disposal of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear wastes will be harmonised and strengthened across the partner countries.

Press release:

BULLSEYE – Harmonised procedures and awareness of all agencies involved in the response of a chemical or a biological terrorist attack: education- training and train the trainer. (Programme: ISFP)

The general objective of the project is to further improve the knowledge and skills of police and forensic officers as well as fire, medical and civil protection services in all EU member states on how to PREVENT terrorist attacks using CBRN agents and explosives by improving detection capabilities as well as on how to properly MITIGATE & RESPOND in case of an emerging CBRN attack. The knowledge and experience of the military services will be used to enforce the ‘civil’ procedures.

In this project, the choice is made to focus on the Chemical (C) and Biological (B) threat.

Nowadays the first responders of the EU countries use different procedures. Aim is to harmonize the different procedures on C and B through a gap analysis concerning the existing procedures and equipment. Next step will be the organization of expert meetings where the first responders exchange knowledge and procedures with well-chosen CBRNe experts. These harmonized procedures and other useful tools will be trained per group based on different procedures to be implemented during the terrorist attack or immediately after the attack (first responders – SWAT units, EOD teams, CBRN police teams, fire fighters, civil protection, DVI and forensics) and will be finally tested and evaluated in 1 cross -sectoral exercise. Taken the lessons-learnt into account of these trainings and exercise, the procedures and tools will be fine-tuned, adapted and validated. Finally, a train the trainer course is developed that can be used for all first responders, DVI and forensic officers of the EU countries.

MELODY – A harmonised CBRN training curriculum for first responders and medical staff  (Programme: ISFP)

The main objective of this project proposal is to define, develop and deploy a harmonized CBRN training curriculum for first responders and medical staff, by medical staff it is meant ambulance drivers, paramedics and emergency room (ER) personnel.

The objectives set out for the project will be achieved through 7 logically designed work packages (WPs), which cover the consultation with existing training facilities in the consortium, leading to a draft document, which will then through consultation with end-users/practitioners will determine how far we are from the actual training needs.

Additional effort will be spent in correcting the departures from the existing training material with respect to the actual practitioner’s needs. The improved CBRN training curriculum will be assessed and evaluated through a number of dedicated exercises and training activities which will lead to a new set of improvements.

A WP has been devoted to demonstration and dissemination activities. The former will deal with showcasing the final product through a set of full-scale exercises, whereas the latter will be a continuous effort in raising awareness on the project and its activities at all levels: from practitioner to policy makers.

It is expected that, a fully fit-for-purpose CBRN training curriculum for EU first responders and medical staff, properly quality assured and controlled will be delivered three years after the initiation of the project.

P62: On-Site Technical Assistance to the EU-CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat for SEA, IFS/2018/ 393-792 – Building/Enhancement of CBRN Capacities/CBRN Response Teams in Cambodia – Fact finding visit – South East Asia Games – Fact Finding Visit (SEA Games FFV) / 1.8.2022 – 30.9.2022

Cambodia is going to organize South East Asia (SEA) Games from 05th May 2023 to 16th May 2023 in Phnom Penh. Building and preparation of CBRN Response Team is one of the significant tasks to be ready to prevent, protect and respond to CBRN Attacks or Incidents during SEA Games.

International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI), supported by Business and Strategies Europe, in cooperation with National Authority for Prohibition of CBRN Weapons (NACW) from Cambodia will carry out FFV from 29th of August to 2nd of September 2022 in Phnom Penh.

Main objectives of this short-term project are:

  1. To find out the current situation of CBRN Capabilities with the aim to establish CBRN Response Team (Human resources, CBRN Teams or teams with CBRN capabilities, Training, Experience in CBRN).
  2. To find out availability and status of equipment, that can be used for CBRN Response Team.
  3. To meet authorities in relevant organizations/ministries, who are responsible for preparation of SEA Games (SEA Game committee, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Health, …) to follow-up their answers to questionnaires and also to discuss availability of CBRN Capabilities to build CBRN Response during SEA Games.
  4. To conduct reconnaissance of National Morodok stadium and all sport facilities, where SEA Games will be organized (Aquatic center, Indoor sport facility) and accommodation facilities. Additionally, to carry out vulnerability assessment of National Morodok stadium for CBRN Threats.
  5. To identify gaps, needs and provide recommendations and develop FFV final report.

CBRN CoE PROJECT P57 – Strengthening crime scene forensics capabilities in investigating CBRN incidents in the South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia), Moldova and Ukraine.

While countries in the region possess traditional forensics capabilities for investigation and preparation of court cases, it was highlighted that there is an insufficient amount of knowledge and equipment to carry out traditional forensics works in a CBRN environment, namely in the aftermath of an incident involving CBRN materials. The overall objectives of the project are to strengthen the existing traditional forensic capabilities in investigating CBRN incidents among police experts; develop a training system for forensic investigation in CBRN-related cases and foster the establishment of networks of CBRN and forensics-related institutions and networks of forensics experts dealing with CBRN-related investigations at the sub-regional level.

HOME/2017ÆSFP/PN/EUNA/0055 – Technical and operational tasks related to the Parallel and Coordinated Exercise (PACE)

Implementation of EU/NATO secret PACE exercises (hybrid threats)

CBRN CoE PROJECT P44 – Strengthening CBRN first response capabilities and regional cooperation in South-East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia), Moldova, and Ukraine.

The overall objective of the project is to enhance response capabilities and promote inter-agency and regional cooperation in CBRN first response in the two sub-regions (Western Balkan region, Black Sea region) The specific objective for the two sub-regions is to improve the preparedness and response capabilities in the participating countries to CBRN incidents by enhancing the capabilities to organise and execute table-top and field exercises, as well as train-the-trainer courses both at national and sub-regional level.

TARGET – Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit (H2020 Project)

TARGET will deliver a pan-European serious gaming platform featuring new tools, techniques and content for training and assessing skills and competencies of SCA (Security Critical Agents: counterterrorism units, border guards, first responders (police, firefighters, ambulance services civil security agencies, critical infrastructure operators). Mixed-reality experiences will immerse trainees into task, tactical and strategic command levels with scenarios such as tactical firearms events, property protection, mass demonstrations, cyber-attacks and CBRN incidents. Trainees will use real/training weaponry, radio equipment, command & control software, decision support tools, real command centres, and vehicles. Social and ethical content will be pervasive. Unavailable real-source information will be substituted by AVR (Augmented/Virtual Reality) – multimedia, synthetic role players). Near-real, all-encompassing and non-linear experiences will enable high degrees of dynamics and variability.

Official project webpage:

MTIC Frauds STOP II – MTIC Frauds Investigation and LEA´s cooperation improving

The project MTIC Frauds STOP II. – MTIC Frauds Investigation and LEA´s cooperation improving funded by Europol and European Commission dealt with the reduction of the level of serious and organised crime affecting the European community and its interests. Main project objective was straightening existing international cooperation among the LEAs and reinforce the investigation capacities in the fight against most sophisticated MTIC offences/frauds.

Support for European Union action in the field of CBRN security managers education

Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) terrorisms are currently four new risks. CBRN threats has evoked an urgent need to undertake numerous actions to prevent and combat terrorism. The aim of the project is to create CBRN-E postgraduate studies.

Development of a coordinated response in the event of natural disasters, crises, and unforeseen situations for the project CARESS

The main objective of the project was:

  • to create policies and define frameworks for effective intervention and rescue of the Slovak and Austrian rescue teams (on the river Danube and Morava).
  • particularly to create a compatible material-technical and organisational infrastructure that will allow emergency departments to provide services effectively.

All Together Against CBRN Terrorist Threats

The main objective of the project was to develop horizontal methods of strategic prevention and combating the criminality applicable in the area of the whole EU with special attention to fight against organized crime and terrorism, protection of environment and public health.

Specific project goals were:

  • to create relevant data background about existing standards in combating terrorist CBRN threats within 9 EU countries;
  • to enhance the effect of cooperation among specialized branches of national police forces of the member states in the fight against terrorist threats of using CBRN materials and illegal smuggling and trafficking of radioactive material;
  •  to enhance skills and knowledge of police in the field of strategic prevention and combating terrorism and to test new kind of trainings and practice;
  • to exchange of good practices and to spread obtained information;
  • to test new kind of edification in order to raise awareness of police off  and EU citizens about terrorist threats and their impacts to environment and public health.

Extension of the Police Information System Acheron

The main objective of the project was to ensure the effectiveness of the fight against serious crime and organised crime in the Slovak Republic, as well as against cross-border organised crime, including crimes related to radioactive and nuclear materials. It was, in particular, providing trainings and courses for the members of the Police force of the Slovak Republic.

Project – MTIC Frauds STOP – Knowledge Enhancement and Operational Capacity Reinforcement on MTIC Frauds 

The project MTIC Frauds STOP – Knowledge Enhancement and Operational Capacity Reinforcement on MTIC Frauds funded from Europol and European Commission deals with the reduction of the level of serious and organised crime affecting the European community and its interests. The immediate priority is the awareness and exchange of information work set out under pursue to prosecute and relentlessly disrupt MTIC and VAT criminals and reduce the threat they pose. The project leader is the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic – Presidium of Police Force. The further project partners are ISEM Institute, National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary, FIOD-Criminal investigation office of Dutch Tax and Customs administration. The objective of this project is to increase knowledge and provide policemen and law enforcement officials with information and enhance their abilities in identification and initiating proceedings for most sophisticatedoffences/frauds. This overall objective will be achieved via share knowledge, enhancing professional capacities and exchange of information in MTIC frauds in Europe causing serious damage to the respective national budgets of the EU MS.

Project 33 – Strengthening the National CBRN Legal Framework & Provision of specialized and technical training to enhance CBRN preparedness and response capabilities (Gabon, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda).

Project 33 deals with strengthening of the preparedness and response capabilities against CBRN threats. Project partners that will benefit  for future from the project are Gabon, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda. The main project objectives are to strengthen  the CBRN national legal framework to comply with international obligations for mitigating CBRN risks and  to provide specialized and technical training to enhance CBRN preparedness and response capabilities. The project is implemented with the support  of many International and Regional bodies e.g.  the WHO, Interpol, Europol, the Arab League, the African Union, each contributing with its own unique support according to its mandate. In the project framework the ISEM Institute provides experts to support the implementation of the project activities.

Project SOS-Alert Solution

ISEM is one of the partners of the project “SOS-Alert Solution – Cross-border cooperation project for enhanced detection and interception of illicit CBRN materials on the Slovakian-Ukrainian border, which aims to ensure the effective development of existing horizontal mechanisms of combating the organized crime and terrorism within Europe, exchange of good practises and testing of new solutions in the filed of strategic prevention and combating of terrorism. No fewer important are questions of effective and long term cooperation of EU member states mainly at eastern border where the Slovak Republic stands as the part of external border of EU with Ukraine and where various threats occur. The main objective of this project is to enhance the capabilities of the Presidium of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic (PPF) and the State Border Guard of Ukraine (SBGS) and their respective partners at the border in specific areas related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats through exchange of experiences, best practices, and capacity building with the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) and other European and international experts and organizations.

Project – MTIC Frauds STOP – Knowledge Enhancement and Operational Capacity Reinforcement on MTIC Frauds

The project MTIC Frauds STOP – Knowledge Enhancement and Operational Capacity Reinforcement on MTIC Frauds funded from Europol and European Commission deals with the reduction of the level of serious and organised crime affecting the European community and its interests. The immediate priority is the awareness and exchange of information work set out under pursue to prosecute and relentlessly disrupt MTIC and VAT criminals and reduce the threat they pose. The project leader is the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic – presidium of Police Force. The further project partners are ISEM Institute, National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary, FIOD-Criminal investigation office of Dutch Tax and Customs administration. The objective of this project is to increase knowledge and provide policemen and law enforcement officials with information and enhance their abilities in identification and initiating proceedings for most sophisticated offences/frauds. This overall objective will be achieved via share knowledge, enhancing professional capacities and exchange of information in MTIC frauds in Europe causing serious damage to the respective national budgets of the EU MS.

Guidance for Police and Gendarmerie officers – How to protect yourself in coronavirus risky environments.

This Guidance has been developed by ISEM Institute experts and following Quinteto+ Exercise experience (conducted in 2019 by the European Commission–DG HOME, EUROPOL, ISEMI, CIVIPOL, Polish Police, Slovak Police, Czech Police, German Federal Police, Belgian Police and French Gendarmerie) to cover the need of police and gendarmerie officers in terms of personal protection during their duties in COVID-19 risky environments.

This Guidance can be freely distributed to any law enforcement agency (LEA) on request (

QUINTETO+ exercise

ISEMI together with partners carried out the pilot multi-cross-border counter-CBRN Terrorism exercise which involved several law enforcement agencies from 6 countries and Europol.  It was a combination of field and table top exercise with the aim to test the international and cross-border intelligence exchange and police agencies reaction to highly likely chemical and radiological terrorist threats.

Within this exercise multiple police tactics and interventions were tested and trained (intelligence gathering and analysis, intelligence exchange, following perpetrators, car search and tracking, detecting CR agents, intervening, terrorist arresting, zoning and securing places, CBRNE threat recognition, sampling, Crime Scene Investigation under CBRN conditions, decontaminating in cooperation with civil protection and fire fighters’ agencies, saving victims in cooperation with ambulances, etc.). Other 11 countries were involved as observers (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Netherland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden).

An important part of the exercise was carried out as a real live game. The majority of police officers (police patrol, regional police first line officers, etc.) have not been given any advance warning of the exercise; they were deployed from their normal duties without any planning or preparation and they made a realistic intervention as if they were dealing with a real terrorist attack. Their decision making and acting (searching for suspect car, contacting special units, intervening, etc.) was monitored by national exercise police teams from a distance. The objective was to find the gaps within the internal communication and inter-agency communication and to test the police officers’ capacities and their reaction time to any CBRN terrorist event.

Another important part of the exercise was played as real simulation in which all players (special CBRN, SWAT, EOD, RIOT/Public order, CSI police units) were notified about the exercise rules and main tasks, but were not informed about all details related to the raid, house search, crime scene investigation, booby traps, etc. They faced many unexpected situations and used their skills and tactics to fulfil the mission. The objective was to test the police teams´ cooperation and reaction on unexpected situations during the car and house search, CSI, raid, etc. In some countries, civil protection responders and fire fighters will also be involved.

Only some parts of the exercise were prescribed, where all the steps were known to players from the beginning. Their objective was to enhance their skills is specific techniques and tactics related to intervention on the contaminated crime scene or scene with a danger coming from a solid radioactive source or chemical substances.

The table top part of the exercise was played through the newly developed IT communication platform called “SIENA X” by the International Security and Emergency Management Institute in cooperation with the European Commission (DG HOME).

This platform was adapted to be used in the field via any mobile phone, tablets or iPad. This platform was tested for the first time in order to be available for any future combination of EU police table top and field exercise, where different messages, reactions or injects including annexes can be sent to players and observers. At the same time many developed documents from Crime Scene Investigation, intelligence reports or fictitious videos from social media were also shared. As a part of this pilot IT platform for combined exercises (field + table top), the on-line stream from some parts of the exercise were also tested. This allowed on-line observers to follow the exercise from day Zero until the end by watching some on-line video streams depending on the location of the field exercise.

Main organising and participating institutions and law enforcement agencies: DG HOME – European Commission, ISEMI, MoI – DCI, EUROPOL, Polish Police – Anti-Terrorist Unit (BOA including its CBRN team), Slovak Police – CBRN and Environmental Crime Police Unit, Czech Police – Counter-Terrorism CBRN Unit, German Police – BKA, Belgium Police – DSU (SWAT Team), French National Gendarmerie – (C2CBRN, IRCGN, GIGN, etc.). Additional important police units and other partners like Chemical laboratories, Fire fighters, Civil protection, Ambulance, etc. were involved to some scenario sequences.

Technical and support services in the field of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Security (Framework Service Contract No.: HOME/2014/ISFP/PR/CBRN/0025 – Lot 1)

Main objectives of the contract is to provide technical and support consultancy services to the DG HOME ~ European Commission on the CBRN–E related security matters, thereby directly supporting the development and implementation of the EC’s CBRN-E agenda and related polices and activities under the EU new approach to the detection and mitigation of CBRN-E risks.

The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of key EU policies by analysing the nature and evolution of CBRN-E issues, gather and aggregate relevant information on CBRN-E security matters. Furthermore, the aim is to support the EC in organizing events with focus on CBRN-E security, as well as to establish and implement comprehensive dissemination of information to the two stakeholders and the wide EU public.

Already implemented or ongoing tasks: Request 1 – Brief contents: ammonium nitrate below 16%; Request 2 – Work (surveys and related works) related to the implementation of Regulation 98/2013; Request 3 – Brief overview of security of radioactive sources in medical facilities in the European Union; Request 6 – Soft target attack exercise and a brief instruction including basic guidance materials and recommendations on soft target protection; Request 7 – Gap analysis of detection of CBRN terrorist threats, and organization of cross-border exercise; Request 9 – Mapping C-UAV capabilities now and in the future – a prospective view on mitigating the UAV threat.

Currently being implemented: Req. 14: Brief on Member States legislation in relation to security of radioactive sources in the medical facilities in the European Union.

Euromed Police IV (ENI/2015/262-126)

The overall objective of the Euromed Police IV project is to increase citizens’ security across the Euro-Mediterranean area through the strengthening of cooperation on security issues between the Southern Mediterranean partner countries, as well as between these countries and the EU Member States. It builds on the achievements of the previous phase of the project Euromed Police III. ISEM Institute as a member of the consortium implements the project EUROMED POLICE IV. The leader of the project is CIVI.POL (France). Other main members of the consortium are DCI (France), GIZ (Germany), FIIAPP (Spain), and Italian Ministry of Interior. The Euromed Police project is one of the two components of a broader programme that also encompasses cooperation in the justice area with the South Partnership countries; the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Israel, the Kingdom of Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and the Republic of Tunisia.

CO3DIL – Collaboration for Dismantling Drugs Distribution and Illicit Laboratories (Programme: ISFP)

Objectives: Dismantling storage and production facilities for illicit drugs, Development of methodological, notably statistical, tools and methods and common indicators, Enhance the collaborative EU and third country law enforcement capacity to target drug trafficking.

Activities: A particular focus is on the investigators’ cooperation, experts networking and data processing by experts, and realization of field actions for destroying of illicit manufacturing of methamphetamine drugs.

Beneficiaries: law enforcement units from EU MS, third countries, international organizations: 300 DEA officers contributing to the development of tools for mapping trends in illicit meth labs.

Outputs/Deliverables: twelve operational meetings, seizing six illegal meth drug labs, ten field actions against meth labs in the EU MS, five coordination meetings of 25 EU anti-drug labs experts, delivered common tools for dismantling of meth labs, introduced a networking cooperation method for investigation and destroying of illicit production including supply and demand sides.

Long-term benefits: sound impact on the crime-scene investigation methods and intelligence related to the destruction of meth labs, improving investigation techniques. Strengthening of public awareness on the environmental damages caused by labs also will affect the use of drugs and witnessing of suspicious manufacturing.

Framework Contract on technological and operational assistance (lot 2) in the field of transport security (MOVE/A5/2019-464)

The objective of the multiple framework contract is to provide at short notice the Contracting Authority (i.e. the commission) with highly qualified external expertise to support with objectivity the Contracting Authority in the design, preparation and implementation of EU initiatives and legislative proposals in the area of transport security, across all transport modes.

MTIC Fraud STOP III is a project funded by Europol and which merges several institutions within European Union. The main objective of the project is to enhance and strengthen cross-border/transnational operational cooperation, support investigation capacities in relation to MTIC Frauds, improve data gathering and intelligence sharing and increase prevention and awareness against threats. The aim of this project is also to reduce the level of serious and organized crimes including financing terrorism affecting the European community and its interests. The priority is to investigate and disrupt organized crime groups (OCGs), value added tax (VAT) and tax criminals and reduce its influence on the whole community. Project consists of operational and non-operational activities held in different member EU states. Project is led by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic – Presidium of Police Forces. ISEMI is in charge of 2 work packages. Other public partners represent the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Norway.

CRISPRO – Security and Protection through Knowledge Synergies (Programme: Union Civil Protection Mechanism) is the first-ever network of first responders, government agencies, private technological firms and non-governmental think-tanks laying the foundations of a functional multisectoral stakeholders’ network.

We aim to promote civil protection and risk assessments tools addressing the societal challenges of hybrid and combined threads, biological chemical industrial, cyber, health, and natural phenomena. By taking the advantages of technologies and behavioural community models, this project will act as an open network for rapid exchange of practical experience, assessment of risks, and disaster-triggered impacts. CRISPRO will gather partners, networks, past/ongoing initiatives, integrate knowledge with any general and borderless health deceases, and face the most significant risks: the climate emergency, safety, and security of societies disaster resilience of the communities. We want to introduce a holistic approach of humanitarian and scientific methods in fashion challenging the behavioural ecosystem models of the social, health, pandemic, ecological and cyber impacts. Over 11 partners from Slovakia, France, Portugal, Finland, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Turkey join to strengthen the transregional knowledge on responding to crisis and risks by benchmarking data, competitiveness and best practices of mitigation of combined emergencies and preparedness associated challenges. We aim to build a community around universal tools and approaches/matrix for benchmarking practical guidance to deliver effectively and cross-country preparedness, prevention and response to hybrid hazards.

ILEAnet – Innovation by Law Enforcement Agencies networking (H2020 project)

The ILEAnet project sets up and develops a sustainable network of Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) practitioner organisations from all over Europe. The mission of this network is to stimulate LEA capabilities to influence, develop and take up research, development and innovation (RDI) that is useful and usable for LEAs, and thereby help them to tackle the major challenges they face. The network is organised around ILEAnet National Contacts (INCs) who is in charge of federating the respective networks of practitioners, policy makers, academics, industrial players and other RDI stakeholders in their respective countries. ILEAnet also operates as a community of people with a common interest in exchanging and collaborating with respect to LEA challenges and needs and LEA-centred RDI. Whilst the organisational ILEAnet Network is focused – “top-down” – on specific challenges, the ILEAnet Community of people contributes “bottom-up” ideas to produce innovative approaches to face newly arising challenges.

Official project webpage:

TERRIFFIC – Tools for Early Effective Reconnaissance of CBRNe Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone.

The TERRIFFIC project will deliver a step change in the effectiveness of first responders during the first hours of a Radiological, Nuclear, or explosive incident. It will lead to reduced response time, less health and safety risks for the response team, and less human intervention in the operation due to a higher number of automated processes and extended mobile detection capabilities. TERRIFFIC will enrich the European response to RNe events by a set of modular technology components in a comprehensive system, including new detectors, algorithms, drones, robots, dispersion models, information management software and decision support systems. Advanced mixed-reality technology will be leveraged to provide first responders with ad-hoc available and continuously updated information during operations. Special attention will be given to standardisation in order to optimise the integration with future and already applied solutions.

This video shows in simple terms how technology can be used to save lives in an RNe incident:

Official project webpage:

SYSTEM – Synergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environment

Origin of funding: H2020

Activities of this project are classified.

Official project webpage:


UNICRI – A Prosecutor’s Guide to Chemical and Biological Crimes

Contract UNICRI

The project is proposed in the framework of the ON-SITE TECHNICAL support to the CBRN CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE (CoE) in Tbilisi and the service contract and aims to support the EU CBRN CoE Initiative. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to strengthening long-term national and regional Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) governance and capabilities for CBRN risk mitigation and response to CBRN incidents in the South East and Eastern European CoE region.  The specific objective of the short-term assignment is to contribute to the development and practical implementation of the Workshop and Mock Trial entitled “Building a case for the successful prosecution of chemical and biological crimes”.  Developing of respective materials and implementation of workshop and mock trial is to be considered the first follow-up activities related to the release of the internationally recognized document “A Prosecutors Guide of Chemical and Biological Crimes”, recently published by UNICRI in close cooperation with and support of EU CBRN CoE Initiative, International Association of Prosecutors, OPCW, and BWC Implementation Support Unit.