EU CBRN CoE Newsletter vol. 19: updates and highlights from the Initiative’s eight regions

The EU CBRN Centres of Excellence published its latest Newsletter, sharing the main updates and highlights from the Initiative’s eight regions. The advancement of regional and interregional cooperation in CBRN risk mitigation throughout the CoE network stands out as the underlying theme in this new release. As the issue shows, CoE Partner Countries are increasingly engaging in regional and inter-regional activities to tackle together CBRN risks, which know no borders.

Read more HERE

R-PLAN project

The R-PLAN (Networking for Cross-border Risk Management Plan) project is financed by the UCPM (Union Civil Protection Mechanism), the duration of its implementation is a period of 2 years (December 2020 – November 2022). The main goal of the project is the assessment of risks of the territory in the context of civil protection of the population and networking of actors of civil protection and crisis management for the application of related solutions in practice.

The main outputs of the project are: (1) Methodology for risk assessment of the Slovak Republic in the context of civil protection of the population, which is harmonized with a similar document in Czech Republic. This approach enables cross-comparison of findings at the national level, with the aim of facilitating joint planning for increasing resilience of threats. To support cooperation at a lower – regional level, the methodology is also developed for the needs of a smaller territory – a region (in the future, i tis possible to prepare a regional methodology also at district or municipality level).

Another important document on which the methodology is based is the updated (2) Register of Threats of the Slovak Republic (updated version for 2022). It contains the distribution of threats according to gestors. For the application of the methodology in practice, (3) Educational material is prepared in the form of presentations and simple examples for understanding the methodology.

Dissemination activities within the R-PLAN project were carried out on the basis of a communication plan, the last activities were the Final Conference organized by the ISEM Institute on September 20-21, 2022 in the premises of the University of Zilina in Zilina and a meeting of working group in Ostrava in the premises of Technical University of VŠB in Ostrava on November 7-8, 2022. Both meetings were attended by the project coordinator – ISEM Institute, the partner from the Czech Republic – Population Protection Institute and all other experts.

A Prosecutor’s Guide to Chemical and Biological Crimes - May 2022

The purpose of the Guidebook is to provide police and civil prosecutors, and relevant investigative agencies, with guidance to support the successful prosecution of incidents involving the deliberate use of a chemical or biological agents. The Guidebook aims to provide awareness and insight into the current and emerging challenges related to the investigation and prosecution of such crimes.

You can find the guidebook on this link

Safe stadium in Phnom Penh in Cambodia

Cambodia is going to host ASEAN Games in 2023 and CBRN protection of this sport event is one of the tasks for succesfull organization. New modern sport complex  „Morodok Techo National Stadium“ with main stadium, aquatic centre, indoor sport facilities and training halls will be ready for all competitions.

International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI) as part of the consortium of Safe stadium project in cooperation with Cambodian General Secretariat of National Authority for Prohibition of CBRN Weapons (NACW) conducted working meeting in Phnom Penh in Cambodia on 3rd and 4th of May 2022. Main aims of the meeting were to visit National stadium in Phnom Penh, to present project Safe stadium and to share current outcomes implemented in EU from this project. In addition, ISEMI representative provided initial advice how to organize CBRN Protection during ASEAN Games 2023. NACW authorities are very interested in Safe stadium project and they will appreciate if all significant deliverables from Safe stadium project can be shared or delivered as new project in Cambodia with the aim to improve CBRN protection of sport/mass events in Cambodia.

The study of crime begins with the knowledge of oneself

What does CBRN stand for? Normally, there is a simple answer that relates to hazardous substances. Ultimately, this abbreviation encompasses a much broader context than chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials with certain chemical, biological, and physical properties…

Another article from the pen of dr. Marián Kolenčík, published by scientific council of CBRN World journal. You can read the whole article on the link below.



CBRN-E crime and offenders' motives. What is it? Why people do it?

Topics related to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive materials are increasingly being discussed in today´s society. Their connection with crime leads us to another dimension, which necessarily requires deeper investigation. This significantly affects several types of crime, including environmental crime, because they are closely related to each other. From practice, we feel that there is no comprehensive (and) global view of law enforcement activities in the existing complex CBRN-E crime. We also perceive the shortcomings in the standard operational procedures of security forces for CBRN-E incidents, which must be regularly updated in connection with emerging technologies. These shortcomings often stem from the different terminology from which many activities are derived. This applies in particular to CBRN police units, teams such as SWAT, EOD, K9, special operation teams (undercover), security and protection forces, CSI-forensics, public order police, environmental police, and anti-narcotics force, etc. Literature writes mostly about CBRN-E terrorism, and only a minimal amount of information on wide range of CBRN-E crimes is mentioned. Therefore, linking this topic only to terrorism is not relevant today. It is necessary to perceive this phenomenon in a broader context. The aim of this article is to present the results of our comparative study related to the definitions of CBRN-E and HazMat materials, threats, and incidents. In the article, we also propose our own definition and categorization of CBRN-E crime, including related concepts based on our examination of real cases around the world, a study of the literature, legislation and history. Another aim of this paper is to create a basis for in-depth qualitative and quantitative research by the ISEM Institute related to the prevalence of CBRN-E crime in selected countries, as well as a framework for a deep case comparative study. In the final part of the article, we will focus on the motivation, motive and intents in committing CBRN-E crime using specific analysed cases, which may be used in the future in the investigation of similar cases and case linkage.


Crime scene investigation in a CBRN context

CBRN-E crimes are closely linked to environmental crime and their number is constantly growing. Their investigation is a major challenge, and many countries urgently need to improve their systems. An important role for law enforcement agencies is to identify, secure and provide relevant evidence in court proceedings to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice. On-site investigation in the CBRN context must therefore meet high quality standards to maintain the safety of investigators and preserve the evidence, which requires skilled and educated experts. This preprint paper describes the basic attributes of a crime scene investigation under CBRN conditions and recommends a global framework of procedures for investigators. It represents a basis for future Biological and Chemical Crime Scene Management Guidance Manual for Law Enforcement planned to be developed by international team of experts under the Umbrella of UNICRI.


Leaflets for Law Enforcement Agencies - How to act in the COVID-19 environment during a police duty

These guidelines also include information leaflets in a separate ZIP attachment. Full text guidelines provide basic facts about COVID-19 and suggests adequate procedures related to protection of police officers from SARS-Cov2 virus infection and contamination while performing their regular duty, intervention and police operation. Low enforcement officers within different units may get familiar with various risky COVID-19 zones, preparedness for a risky duty and the selection of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). The guidelines recommend the propre dressing and use of PPE during police duty, decontamination and disinfection procedures, undressing as well as bio-waste management. This Guidance can be freely distributed only to law enforcement agencies upon the request sent to Each police agency can use this framework of guidelines and adapt it to its national or regional situation and legislation.



These guidelines provide basic facts about COVID-19 and suggests adequate procedures related to protection of police officers from SARS-Cov2 virus infection and contamination while performing their regular duty, intervention and police operation. Low enforcement officers within different units may get familiar with various risky COVID-19 zones, preparedness for a risky duty and the selection of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). The guidelines recommend the propre dressing and use of PPE during police duty, decontamination and disinfection procedures, undressing as well as bio-waste management. This Guidance can be freely distributed only to law enforcement agencies. Each police agency can use this framework of guidelines and adapt it to its national or regional situation and legislation.Guidelines also include information leaflets in a separate ZIP attachment.